Community Engagement

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Effective community engagement also helps to foster communication and understanding between different groups within a community, which can lead to more positive relationships and a more harmonious community overall.

It can also help to empower individuals and give them a sense of agency, as they are able to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives and their community.

Additionally, community engagement can help to identify and address important issues that may be overlooked or ignored. By gathering input and feedback from a diverse range of community members, leaders can gain valuable insights and perspective on the needs and concerns of their community, and work towards finding solutions that are more inclusive and equitable.

Overall, community engagement is a crucial component of building strong, healthy, and vibrant communities, and is essential for ensuring that the needs and interests of all members are taken into account.

We believe that by fostering meaningful relationships with our community members, we can educate, empower, and change our city for the better. 

This involves informing our community about initiatives, by hosting community meetings, town halls, social media communications, and events. We seek diverse input from all partners, as we collaborate as a community to achieve solutions. Community Engagement enhances neighborhood cohesion and allows for the community to have ownership over the outcomes that will ultimately impact them. 

The police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.

- Sir Robert Peel 

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